It’s just like undressing a woman


What draws scholars to grubbing around in the dirt under the blazing sun and sifting soil for shards of pottery? To find out, Jennifer Wallace joined an archaeological dig in Israel

Between good and evil


Andre Brink is helping to rear his black maid’s child. Her life, he tells Jennifer Wallace, encapsulates South Africa’s tensions – explored in his new novel.

Academia go f**k yourself


In his latest novel, David Mamet sets his sights on literature teachers and universities, which, he tells Jennifer Wallace, ‘exist independent of any possible utility’.

Deconstructing Gayatri


Can Gayatri Spivak’s ‘pretentiously opaque’ writing make a difference in the real world? Jennifer Wallace talks to an academic who has eaten mice and snakes in rural India.

Foucault for our time

JenniferArticles, Featured

Slavoj Zizek was once asked to run Slovenia’s MI5. Jennifer Wallace meets a radically chic philosopher with a taste for realpolitik.

The feminine mystique

JenniferArticles, Featured

Sacked by Jacques Lacan, shunned by French universities, denigrated by Alan Sokal, Luce Irigaray is still a star. Jennifer Wallace meets a ‘high priestess of ecriture feminine’

A Disappearing World


A multimedia presentation of the threat from mining to indigenous people in India.