22nd Oct 2019
Heffers Bookshop, CambridgeBook Launch – Tragedy Since 9/11
Heffers is delighted to welcome Dr Jennifer Wallace for the launch of her new book, Tragedy Since 9/11: Reading a World Out of Joint.
From the trauma of September 11th, through the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, to the aftermath of the Arab Spring and the environmental warning signs of climate change, this book reflects on the crises and terrifying events of the early 21st century and argues that a knowledge of tragedy from the works of Sophocles to Shakespeare to Samuel Beckett can help us understand them.
The launch is free to attend but booking is essential as spaces are limited. Tickets can be booked through eventbrite, by calling 01223 463200, or in person at Heffers bookshop. Please note this is an informal, celebratory event, not a seated talk; a limited number of chairs will be available.
9th Sept 2019
Owl Bookshop Kentish TownBook Launch – Tragedy Since 9/11
From the trauma of September 11th, through the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, to the aftermath of the Arab Spring and the environmental signs of climate change, this book reflects on the crises and terrifying events of the early 21st century and argues that a knowledge of tragedy from the works of Sophocles to Shakespeare to Samuel Beckett can help us understand them.
Join us at one of North London’s best loved independent bookshops to mark the publication of my newest book and reflect on the eighteen years since the attack on the World Trade Center.
1st Oct 2015
St Giles’ Cripplegate ChurchBook Launch – Digging Up Milton
This darkly humorous novel vividly captures the boisterous, bawdy life of the 18th century London streets in a tale of greed, guilt and a paradise lost.
Join us for this very special evening at the Barbican, London to celebrate the launch of my novel and to hear my insights and inspirations behind my latest book. With guest speaker from Cillian Press.
2nd July 2015
Almeida Theatre, IslingtonFrom Atreus to Pistorius
Is it ever acceptable to kill? Do the ends ever justify the means? Inspired by our production of Oresteia, this Almeida Questions panel explores the challenges of making moral decisions. Almeida Associate Director Robert Icke will be joined by A. C. Grayling (The God Argument) and Dr Jennifer Wallace, English Lecturer, University of Cambridge.
17th April 2015
British MuseumThe Body Beautiful: Poetry, Myth and the Body
Poet in the City presents an event exploring the relationship between poetry, sculpture and art in ancient Greece, as part of the events programme accompanying the British Museum exhibition Defining beauty: the body in ancient Greek art. Featuring live poetry and discussion, objects from the exhibition are brought to life through their own vivid myths, as we explore the fascinating impact of these immortalised figures of beauty in society, through the ages. From the shock waves felt with the arrival of this art in 19th century England on the Romantic poets, to the echoes felt in poetry and art today, this is a celebration of the timeless force of an ancient legacy.
Featuring Simon Armitage, Ian Jenkins, Michael Squire and Jennifer Wallace